Mid-life Planning

Have you reached a point in your life where you need to take a fresh look at where you are heading?

Perhaps you have achieved a degree of success in your current position, or have reached the peak in your chosen occupation, but now would like to reassess the direction you are heading. Or maybe, you are a few years shy of your retirement and are not sure how you will use your time in the next phase of your life. Today we can reasonably expect to live for 20 - 30 years or more past 'retirement age'. On the other hand, there is nothing stopping us working productively (and even reaching our peak) into our 70's or 80's. There are many options to allow you to achieve a work/life balance in the later stages of your career. Do you want to scale back your work so that you can spend more time traveling, or perhaps spending more time with your family, or volunteering for a cause that you feel passionate about, or do you want to start a business that you have always dreamed of starting? 

We can help you, in a two hour session, to clarify your goals to enable you to achieve the work/life balance that you would like.

Cost $180